Культурное наследие Севера в цифре.

the history and culture of the Kvens, a great number of books have been edited during the years. Academic authors are f.i. Johan Beronka, Venke Olsen, Einar Niemi, Kaisa Maliniemi, and Pia Lane. Non-fiction and fiction authors are f.i. Carl Sch 0 yen, Hans Kristian Eriksen, Idar Kristiansen, Olav Beddari, Bente Pedersen, and Ellen Hofs 0 . The National Library of Norway has undertaken a large-scale digitizing pro­ ject of Norwegian literature. Therefore, Finnmark County Library considers the digitizing of literature not to be a regional responsibility. However, we can identi­ fy candidates for digitization and thus, hopefully, help Kven literature and region­ al literature to move forward in the digitization queue. And of course we will do our best to continue to promote the literature and authors of Finnmark, digitized or not. 122